How to Make a Detox Tea

How To Make A Detox Tea

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to make a detox tea that was simple, tasty, and something you could look forward to – you arrived at the right place!

What are Detox Teas?

Have you ever sipped on a cup of tea before? If the answer is yes, you may have unknowingly given your body a detox jump-start.

Detox teas are packed with medicinal herbs and hold excellent potential healing properties and health benefits. Even some of the most common teas on the market make great bases for creating the perfect detox tea.

How to Make a Detox Tea

What Are the Potential Benefits of Drinking Detox Tea?

Many health and wellness coaches across the globe are raving about the potential healing benefits of detox tea. Drinking detox teas regularly can help with the following:
• Help reduce feeling bloated
• Flush out toxins from the liver and gut
• Aid in maintaining a healthy immune system
• Can help clear brain fog and support mental clarity
• Manage appetite control and help curb cravings
• Generate higher rates of cell turnover for healthier, glowing skin

How Do I Know My Body Needs a Detox?

Our bodies are amazing and will provide us with obvious signs when we need a wellness upgrade. If your body is telling you to flush the toxins from your body, you may relate to these situations:

• You’re slow to start your day and may not finish it as strongly as you initially planned.
• If you’re feeling sluggish, distracted, and regularly experience brain fog.
• You experience a general feeling of feeling “plugged up” or congested.
• You depend on coffee and sugar to wake you up every morning.

While most teas do contain caffeine, drinking a homemade detox tea recipe will give you a head-start with more energy, motivation, and a more positive outlook on your day. Millions of people worldwide include tea in their daily rituals as a supplement to their healthy lifestyles.

How to Make a Detox Tea

Will Detox Teas Help Me Feel Better?

While tea makes a pleasant drink while taking those quiet moments to yourself, one shouldn’t rely on drinking detox teas alone to achieve the health goals they’ve set for themselves.

For example, if weight loss is your goal, it’s recommended to adapt to an overall healthier lifestyle to match. Regular exercise, a doctor-approved diet, and frequent mental health breaks are promising building blocks to creating your ideal daily wellness routine.

Is Detox Tea Safe For Me to Drink?

If you have health complications or are concerned about drinking detox teas, speak to your healthcare provider before starting a body detox. While most people can start drinking detox teas with no issues, it’s best to inform your doctor so they can help evaluate your next steps to healthier living.

How Often Can I Drink Detox Tea?

In general, detox teas are safe to drink at least 1 time and possibly up to 3 times per day. Refer to the instructions on your particular tea for direct answers to this.

It’s recommended to drink your first cup of tea in the morning right after you wake up. This will give you a kick-start to your day by helping the body flush any toxins built up overnight as you sleep.

While tea is water infused with essential medicinal herbs, it’s a good idea to drink plenty of water in between your daily cups of detox tea.

How to Make a Detox Tea

What Types of Detox Tea Should I Try First?

There are several types of detox teas with different medicinal properties. Depending on the ingredients used, detox teas can aid in cleansing other areas of the body. If you haven’t drunk a detox tea before, it’s best to start with a simple brew, such as green tea.

How Do I Make Organic Homemade Detox Tea?

Glad you asked! It’s easy to make your own detox tea at home. It’s also an excellent option for knowing the exact ingredients you will be taking when drinking your tea.

Here’s a simple detox tea recipe that you can make at home. For exact measurements, scroll down to the recipe card at the bottom.

Begin by heating up the water until just bubbling, not yet a rolling boil. Measure 1 to 2 tablespoons of organic loose-leaf green tea, depending on your strength and taste preferences. If trying this tea for the first time, start with 1 tablespoon.

How to Make a Detox Tea

Add your measured loose-leaf tea to a clean tea diffuser.

Place the tea diffuser inside the mug or teapot and carefully pour the hot (not boiling) water over the top of the tea.

How to Make a Detox Tea

Allow the tea to settle and steep for 2-3 minutes.

While steeping, place the fresh organic mint leaves into the small cup of lime juice.

How to Make a Detox Tea

Gently, but firmly press the leaves to the bottom of the cup, releasing the mint’s natural oils into the lime juice.

Give the mixture a bit of a swirl to combine the flavors and natural healing properties.

After 2-3 minutes have passed, remove the steeper from the mug. Carefully pour the lime and mint mixture into your mug of hot tea. Depending on your preference, you may remove the mint leaves or leave them in your tea.

How to Make a Detox Tea

Stir your mixture of tea and allow it to cool. Add ice if you’d like an iced tea.

Enjoy your homemade herbal detox tea!

Other Detox Ideas

Enjoying your tea but want some other ideas to help detox the body? Learn about the benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning or even an onion detox! So many ways to naturally detox the body!

How to Make a Detox Tea

Mint Lime Detox Tea

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes


  • 1-2 tablespoons of loose-leaf organic green tea
  • 1/2 organic lime, juiced into a separate dish.
  • 2-3 fresh organic mint leaves
  • 8 oz. of purified water
  • Ice (optional for chilling)


  1. Begin by heating up the water until just bubbling, not yet a rolling boil.
  2. Measure 1 to 2 tablespoons of organic loose-leaf green tea, depending on your strength and taste preferences. If trying this tea for the first time, start with 1 tablespoon.
  3. Add your measured loose-leaf tea to a clean tea diffuser.
  4. Place the tea diffuser inside the mug or teapot and carefully pour the hot (not boiling) water over the top of the tea.
  5. Allow the tea to settle and steep for 2-3 minutes.
  6. While steeping, place the fresh organic mint leaves into the small cup of lime juice.
  7. Gently, but firmly press the leaves to the bottom of the cup, releasing the mint's natural oils into the lime juice.
  8. Give the mixture a bit of a swirl to combine the flavors and natural healing properties.
  9. After 2-3 minutes have passed, remove the steeper from the mug. Carefully pour the lime and mint mixture into your mug of hot tea. Depending on your preference, you may remove the mint leaves or leave them in your tea.
  10. Stir your mixture of tea and allow it to cool. Add ice if you'd like an iced tea
  11. Enjoy your homemade herbal detox tea!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this article, made available via Holistic Fit LLC, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The Content presented here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by Holistic Fit LLC. Reliance on any information provided by this article is solely at your own risk. And, of course, never use an herb or essential oil without first reading the label, doing your research, or checking with a local expert.


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